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Reveal: Funshine Playroom Install 2020

Tamara Wise

Updated: Dec 7, 2020

If you've been following along with our Funshine Playroom project, you'll remember that we shared our mood boards from the design last time (here's a refresher), and the backstory & before photos for this room (check them out here).

We also shared that our design involved 3 different zones in the room: the cozy seating zone, the art/schoolwork zone & the super cool reading chair zone. We proposed this floor plan to our clients in hopes that they liked the layout & design direction.

Good news! Our clients loved this plan! So we moved forward with creating the 3D design for the space. Here is a section from the 3D model showing part of the cushy seating zone, table & magnetic whiteboard wall.

The 3D model is so helpful for us to visualize the space with all the furnishings in place. Here is a section from the model showing the other side of the room with the table, cushy seating & the hanging reading chair area. You can also see the paper airplane mobile & sunny feature wall behind the hanging chair. So fun!

Finally, this is a view of the hanging reading chair area with the sunshine feature wall! We were so excited to see this cute design in 3D!

Once our clients saw the model of the space, they were fully onboard! We made a plan to order all the items & set a tentative date for a big install & reveal! However...2020 had different plans for everything including this project. Our tentative date for install just happened to be the end of March & by Mid-March everything started locking down for the pandemic. This project, like so many things were put on hold.

So we waited. Our clients, like so many other families, were now doing school & working from home. They needed this classroom space more than ever, but wanted to keep their family safe. Finally, when the school year ended, our clients made a plan to spend some time at their vacation home at the beach & we set a new install/reveal date. We were so excited to FINALLY see this space in real life!

Are you ready to see it!?! Here it is:

The cushy bean bag lounge chairs were a total hit with the kids! Such a fun, cozy spot!

The polka dot decals gave the room some major wow factor as you walked into the space. Such a great feature!

Now this was a great space for distance learning! The kids were all set for the next school year! This space would be a wonderful home classroom.

The airplane mobile turned out beautifully! This was actually a project that Annie & her husband Eric worked on together and it came together just like we had envisioned!

Another feature that came together just like we wanted was the hanging reading chair zone. The sunny feature wall gave this area a bright pop of color and the kids LOVED the fun hanging chair!

We were so happy that even despite the crazy challenges the pandemic had brought us, we could finally finish up this project safely & on such a high note! We loved creating this fun space for these sweet kiddos & their whole family to enjoy!

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